美国 Velf Studio 战略合作伙伴

We3创新营销 2024-01-12 1021 0


Velf Studio 简介

Velf Studio 是一家成立于美国,屡获殊荣,为全球品牌提供概念创作和执行的全案服务工作室。Velf Studio 通过深入探索客户产品功能及关键记忆点,借助专业的创意表达形式来为客户提供独特的定制化解决方案。

Velf Studio is an award-winning full-service creative studio based in the United States, providing concept creation and execution services to global brands. By exploring product functionality and leveraging key memory points, Velf Studio uses professional creative expressions to deliver unique customized solutions to client needs.

Velf Studio 遵守好莱坞标准工作流程来确保输出具有最高质量的、独特创意、记忆深刻的营销,有效地将客户的品牌价值传达给目标受众。成立至今,Velf Studio 获得了许多著名的国际广告奖项,包括但不限于纽约广告节、克里奥国际广告奖、金铅笔奖、美国联合广告奖、泰利奖等。

Velf Studio follows the Hollywood standard workflow to ensure that the output is of the highest quality, creative, and memorable, effectively communicating the brand value of clients to their target audience. Since its establishment, Velf Studio has won many renowned international advertising awards, including but not limited to the New York Advertising Festival, Clio, The One Show, Addy Awards, Telly Awards, and more.

Velf Studio 多样化的业务组合表明,其有能力为各种规模的行业客户提供卓越的服务,不仅涵盖 Bezelel、Tubbot、 mAirobotics 等新兴科技公司,也包括迪斯尼、亚马逊、沃尔沃、安德玛等世界知名品牌。

Velf Studio's diverse business portfolio demonstrates its ability to deliver exceptional results to clients of all sizes across a range of industries, including serving emerging technology companies such as Bezelel, Tubbot, mAirobotics, and world-renowned brands such as Disney, Amazon, Volvo, and Under Armour.



深耕中国市场为新零售赛道品牌提供一站式海内外实效营销解决方案的 We3 创新营销实验室,与立足美国市场,服务全球客户的 Velf Studio 达成战略合作关系。双方将在中国品牌出海及海外品牌进驻中国方面展开深度合作,为海内外品牌开拓新的增量渠道,提供包括但不限于内容营销、广告投放,媒体采买、明星艺人经纪、公共关系管理、线上线下视觉传达及电子商务等一站式、全球化营销服务。

The We3 Innovative Marketing Lab, which is deeply rooted in the Chinese market and provides one-stop effective marketing solutions for new retail brands, has entered into a strategic partnership with Velf Studio, which is based in the US and serves global clients. The two parties will collaborate extensively on helping Chinese brands expand globally and overseas brands enter the Chinese market, providing a comprehensive suite of marketing services including content marketing, advertising placement, media buying, celebrity representation, public relations management, online and offline visual communication, and e-commerce.





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